Returning Cards


To maintain membership of The Celts a player must return 6 singles cards in our federated tournaments ( approx 60 run by The Celts at La Serena in a 12 month period ), before the annual renewal date.

The week end of the International league will also be a federated competition for Golf Prizes.

All competitions at La Serena, run by The Celts Club de Golf, are now downloaded on the Golf Directo App and members are encouraged to download this app onto their phone. To return scores in a competition at least two members should record the scores for each hole on the app or record same on a signed card as well as the app. The score of each player should be filled in on Golf Directo after each hole is played and then confirmed after the 18 holes are completed with the card marker or second app user.

Make sure that you press the CONFIRM button on the app when you have completed and checked your scores for the 18 holes.

Members who fail to complete the 18 holes and leave the course should record a no score for the remaining holes not played and return their card.