16th September
Yesterday we celebrated our September Club Championship at our home course La Serena. Thankfully the temperatures are beginning to return to tolerant levels.
As always, we must thank those who make this day a success. Martha and Jean thank you for sorting the app and the results. Thanks to Michael our course marshal. The green keeping staff under the guidance of Miguel are getting through all the drainage works, very impressive it looks too. Fina, Vanessa, Brian, Marijosé and all the clubhouse staff thank you. Our rolls were lovely.
Denis and Alan looked after the competition and our captain Dave was there as always to present the prizes, even though he looked like he had been in a scene from Gladiators.
Weekly competitions
All the winners, of Medal, Crystal and Golf Prizes competitions, are named on our Latest Competitions page.
The championship
For the record. NTPs: Rose Walker, Alan Campbell, Phil Vaughan, Savi Nayager, Kevin Russell and Steve Hopkins.
All 25 members who won points, together with the current leader board, can be found on our Club Championship page.
The gross was won by Alan Ewing 32. Second overall with 40 was Bev Buckley, and the winner with 40 points Kevin Russell.
Well done to all the winners and congratulations to so many who remained behind to honour those who won a prize.